green solvent ptrmsProton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) instrument of the Center for Instrument Sharing - CISUP Center of University of Pisa was applied to study the release of green solvents from electrospun tissues prepared in the framework of SuperStar project by the University of Bologna research team. Silvia Prati, Giorgia Sciutto and Francesca Ramacciotti (UniBo) have joined Francesca Modugno and Ilaria Degano (UniPi) during the tests, carried out with the support and supervision of the “CATS- Chemistry Lab for Analytical Technologies and Sensors” group researchers: Tobias Bruderer, Denise Biagini and Serena Reale. A sampling device was designed on purpose and 3D printed by Federico Vivaldi (Metitech S.r.l.).

Sustainable Preservation Strategies
for Street Art

Progetto di Ricerca di rilevante
interesse Nazionale
Bando 2020 - Prot. 2020MNZ579

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