maldi msProfessor Cosima Damiana Calvano of the Università degli studi di Bari presented at XXIX Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica (11-15 September, Milazzo, ME) a keynote lecture where some preliminary results obtained in the framework of Superstar project were also described. During the speech the professor showed the experimental conditions adjusted on mock-up samples for the successive application of the analytical protocol based on MALDI mass spectrometry for the diagnostic campaigns on murals. In particular, the focus was on the identification of polymeric binders by a multi-technique approach based on the combination of MALDI MS with ATR-FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to get information on bulk and on the most superficial layers of the modern paintings.

Sustainable Preservation Strategies
for Street Art

Progetto di Ricerca di rilevante
interesse Nazionale
Bando 2020 - Prot. 2020MNZ579

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